Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 22, 2011

today not a good day

so yesterday i weighed and i have lost 5 pounds. tonight we are going to go over to someones house that i do not know to meet them for the first time my hubby knows the hubby and has yet to meet the wife i guess will be a good thing to meet new people. it is just really going to be hard because they have a baby that is one (i think) and she is pregnant with one on the way. i pray lord give me the strength to get thru the night with out feeling bad because i cant have my baby that i want. she is also going to cook somethin for us and i hope that they will have something that will be not to high in carbs as to not get us out of ketosis. i also hope that i keep losing this weight i still have 105 pounds to lose.  please lord please let me lose this weight. i am trying to learn what work outs i need to do to lose this weight.

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